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4th Mt. Pulag Hike: Akiki-Ambangeg Traverse Dayhike

Mt. Pulag Akiki- Ambangeg Dayhike Traverse

June 18, 2016- I am sentimental over mountains especially the ones in the Cordillera region because it was where big and life changing adventures happened. I love going back to them to compare what changed in the area since my previous visits, and also to see what changed (and remained the same) with me. This is one of the reasons behind the decision to join an Akiki-Amba dayhike traverse on June 14, 2016. Not only was I going back to same mountain, I was also going back on the very same day I climbed Mt. Pulag last year during our Luzon 32(4)1 adventure. Though we took a different trail going to the summit last year, I still felt like I was travelling back in time.

The Akiki Trail is widely known as the “Killer” trail because of the continuous and steep ascent to the summit of Mt. Pulag. I first did an Akiki Traverse on December 2014 where we took it so easy having a 3-day itinerary. With full packs on our backs, the ascent was really exhausting and stretched our patience taut. Having a lighter pack during our traverse day hike however did not do anything to diminish the anxiety I feel in hiking Akiki Trail. It was my 1st major day hike this 2016 after my knee injury and together with the fear that my knee will hurt, I was afraid that I was about to have a fever, too.

We started our hike from the DENR office at 0615H. It was a cool morning and it feels nice to be back again at the Cordilleras to feel the mountains. Our warm-up hike to Eddet River lasted 1.5 hrs and after a quick breakfast started the notorious ascent to the pine forest.

The ascent would have been fun because the weather was perfect- cool with just enough clouds to provide shade- but I know I was out of shape and that, coupled with the sore throat I was having and the on-coming fever made the beautiful hike too hard for me. It was such a blessing I was with people who makes everything enjoyable. These people are not someone I know, I just met them during the hike, but I was glad of their company.

Akiki Dayhike Traverse- mossy forest

Akiki Dayhike Travese- Grassland

I reached the summit at 1545H. We were the only group who hiked that day so the summit was ours alone unlike during my past hikes where there were so many people you have to fight your way to have a solo picture at the marker.

At 1900H we were back at the Ranger Station. By that time I have come-up with a fever and didn’t have any energy left. I just changed clothes, took a seat inside our jeepney, and slept my way home.

In retrospect

Though I was feeling sick, the beauty of the Cordillera never eluded me. I was still amazed at the pine trees during our ascent; the mossy forest is more enchanting, greener and more mysterious than my last Akiki traverse. I wonder if the landscape changed or was it me who became different?

The vast grassland where I first felt the nostalgic air of Murakami’s “Norweigan Wood” during our Luzon 32(4)1 is still hugely overwhelming. It felt so nice to walk there alone to think and not think at the same time. Whenever I walk at Pulag’s grassland, I am always reminded why I hike and why I have to hike. These are reasons I have trouble putting into words but something I can read in the immense landscape spreading before me.

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