The Mt. Ulap Cloud Atlas
At the trail during our hike to Mt. Ulap, the sky- free from the pollution that blankets our cities- is a deeper shade of blue. It made a perfect backdrop for the white clouds that keep vanishing and then forming again into thousands of variations. I have been hiking since 2013 but I have never really looked at clouds as deeply as I have looked at them on our hike. Maybe I came to notice these ephemeral wonders because of the mountain’s name: “Ulap” which translates to clouds.
Many have been mesmerized and inspired by the sublimity of clouds, their transient beauty: poets have written verses about them, artists have painted and captured them using different materials; scientists, in order to categorize their differences named clouds for classification; many others have taken it as a hobby just to gaze at clouds and wonder. Truly the heavens will be boring without them!
Like people, clouds are unique. No two clouds have been the same or will ever be the same. How they look changes every second reminding us that in life, the only thing that is constant is change. The deeper we look into the nature of clouds, the deeper we realize that whatever we have now are all but fleeting. On the other hand, clouds are also “beautiful natural metaphor for the philosophy that there in an inherent balance to life, that what we give will soon be replenished”.
And because I was so in awe of clouds, I decided to capture some in photographs. These photos will never truly give justice to the beauty of the sky that day but it will remind us of one of nature’s many gifts: wonder.
I hope that these picutures makes you notice the clouds as I have noticed them. :)