Mt. Batulao (811+ MASL): A Change of Heart
Mt. Batulao (811+ MASL): A Change of Heart

The first time I climed Mt. Batulao, I was with some of the members of my mountaineering group, Jamboree Mountaineers. Climbing with me that day on May 3, 2014 was Kuya Tomo (he's a UP Mountaneer and replaced Kuya Bidz as our TL because of a sudden shoot), Sir Oli, Ate Monina, Edu, Rober, Neen, and Daniel.
The climb was supposed to be for some kids who asked Kuya Bidz to bring them on a mountain, however, for some reason, they backed-out. It was disheartening because I thought the climb (which secretly is my birthday climb) will be cancelled.
I was happy we pushed thorugh. But, my hapiness did not last really long because (again) I was not prepared for the trail- I got tired easily (result of skipping runs!) and my shoes, being half a size small for me, is making my feet hurt like hell. Also,the trail was so exposed to the sun. It was so hot and no matter how much water I drink, I dont feel my thirst being quenched.
There were little stalls along the trail that sell halo-halo, and ice cold mountain dew. One can also find one of these little stalls all the way to the summit! I skipped buying from these stalls however tempting because of the belief that such establishments should not be in the mountains (on the other hand, I cannot say I dissapprove of them as these stalls are the most profitable enterprise for the people there).
We climbed from the old trail to the new and finished the hike in..tadaah! 8 hours! I enjoyed the company of the people I was with but I did not enjoyed climbing the treeless mountain.
Though it was a fun hike, I listed the experience of hiking Mt. Batulao under the full glory of our tropical sun as one traumatizing hike together with hiking Mt. Tagapo.

Group shot at the summit of Mt. Batulao (by Tomo De la Custa)
December 21, 2014- For our last climb for 2014, Anna (my Tapulao, and Pulag companion) and I decided to hike Mt. Batulao. I have told Anna of my harrowing first hike at the mountain and it became one of the reasons for us to climb the mountain again.
We started late to avoid the noonday sun. Arriving at 1:30PM at Hillcrest (then Evercrest), we were the last day hikers who arrived. It was a nice walk along the concrete road with the cool December winds softly blowing, and the sun dappled by some clouds.
Our itenerary consists of only this: coffee at the summit (yes, I brought a cookset, stove, and butane for this) while waiting for the sunset. It was such a perfect gesture to end our 2014 hikes, and a grand one I believe, because not all hikers take the hassle of bringing cooksets at the summit of Batulao.
I found myself taking the same trail we had during my first climb. I remember the heat, the exhausion- but only for a while because thick,dark clouds were forming and threatens of rain. Good thing the rain didn't come and we were blessed with a cool, cloudy climb.

The sights of green grass is truly refreshing!
We arrived at the summit at 4:50 pm to find some hikers still enjoying the view. After some minutes, they went down and we had the summit all to ourselves. We took that as a sign and prepared to boil water for our much desired coffee- while- waiting for the sunset.

The wind at the summit was a real challenge. It took a long time for the water to boil but we had our coffee, all right. We drank it fast and did not mind that wind added some dust and stones in our drink.

Furby's enjoying the view and the coffee:)
The rainclouds blocked much of the light of the setting sun, but still, what we experienced at the summit is still magical. At the far horizon we saw a wall of orange, red light - almost like a fire. I wished, during that moment, that my heart continue to burn like that for the mountains, and for the natural environment. Because, really, these are what defines me, and fill me.

We went down from the summit after an hour as it was already getting dark and the wind is blowing too fiercely. We hiked the new trail with only the light from our headlamp/flashlight and reached the gates of Hillcrest at 8:10PM after enjoying a halo-halo from one of the stalls near the jump-off.
All and all, our hike was really enjoyable. I can now look back at Mt. Batulao and remember our coffee at the summit, the fiery colors of the sunset, and out halo-halo amidst fierce winds and the December cold.
I am so glad I went back and tried to know Mt. Batulao once again!